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Fort Frolic Slot Machines

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Sandia casino events this weekend. In light of the recent BioShock Infinite announcement, I felt like sharing some BioShock 2 dev tidbits I've been holding on to.

  1. Lucky Winner (10) - To get this, you have to get three dollar signs in a row at the slot machines in Fort Frolic, they're right on the left once you exit the Rapture Metro from Arcadia at the start, they are also slewn about Rapture after this point.(Be persistent and you'll eventually get it, have a lot of cash on you though, because it might.
  2. There's no real strategy to this one, so it's all about luck. Slot machines are found in Fort Frolic. Save up to at least $200 before attempting. Save your game first, and then just stand there and press X until you get $$$ pop up. If you run out of money beforehand, just reload the save and try again. Should take 5-10 minutes at most.

As soon as Jack enters Fort Frolic, there is a vending machine that allows the player to restock items from the previous battle and prepare for the level ahead. Different vending and ammo machines, as well as Gatherer's Garden and Gene Banks, are spaced out so that the player can restock after a battle, buy health and eve hypos.

Not too long ago, I came into a bit of intelligence regarding BioShock 2. An ex-developer of 2K Marin, who asked not to be named, traded some info in exchange for 3 cans of Aunt Millie's spaghetti sauce and some 'plasmids'. After some back and forth on the logistics of procuring plasmids, they finally conceded that they wanted to score some heroin.

Fort Frolic Slot Machines For Sale

The first chunk of knowledge had to do with the decision to cut the subtitle 'Sea of Dreams'. Originally the team planned on taking the splicer ghost mechanic a step further, introducing the spliced up spirits of crustaceans and Rapturian football players past, which were able to join your party. This was scrapped and instead saved for another unannounced game in the franchise, which is currently in development.

The biggest treasure trove of juicy details I received was about all of the other classes of 'Big Somethings' that were invented prior to the decision to make the Big Sister. Once the Big Sister trump card was dealt, the rest were dispatched in short order. What follows is a wealth of concept art and in-game screenshots that show some of these lost prototypes and evolutionary relatives. Enjoy:

Big Uncle
This particular class (or classless) of Big Something had problems since day one. The problem wasn't with his arsenal. His wrench arm and steel-reinforced fanny pack (filled with explosives, awful belated birthday presents, Chechnya Vodka nips, and lotto tickets) were beloved by the team. The problem was with his conduct and dynamic behavior. The first, and only Big Uncle implemented into the game was by all accounts… just creepy. Through testing, the team saw all of the lewd and unlawful behavior that he engaged in with other NPCs. He would abandon all of his directives entirely and spend hours on-end at the slot machines in Fort Frolic, breaking away only to visit the strip club nearby. There he would bang his wrench on the vacant stage, the team thinks in an effort to coax a stripper out from backstage to perform.
Fort frolic slot machines spin

When he wasn't gambling away all of his ADAM and trying in vain to get a splicer striptease, he would collect Little Sisters for the sole purpose of trying to get them to sit on his lap. The programmers toiled day and night to try and omit the creepy gene from his code, but to no avail. Even after being forced to register as a sex offender he did not abstain. Left with no other options, the team put him down. None of the other NPCs attended his watery funeral.

Big Kitty
Step Daddy
Big Decapitated Head
Sugar Daddy
Aside from being some delicious in-game advertising, the Sugar Daddy was envisioned to be a kickass addition to Rapture's ecology. Inspired by a segment on spiders in Planet Earth, he shat caramel to use as adhesive traps for his enemies. His drill served as both a weapon and a stirring mechanism for his caramel. Needless to say, his gooey composition made him quite popular with the Little Sisters. Too popular. Numerous dynamic battles between them ensued. Little Sisters began resorting to sucking excess sugar out of his fecal matter with their syringes.
Fort frolic slot machines machine

You'll note that he's posing in this picture. This is a common behavior for the Sugar Daddy to exhibit. After the shutter opens, the emulsion is exposed, and the camera calculates the composition of the photo and grades it on a letter scale, the Sugar Daddy will hurl his caramel shit at the lens of the camera and proceed to butter the player's bread as it were.

The team hired 3 new programmers whose sole job was to work on lifelike caramel viscosity. Due to the recession and the realization that such a pursuit was technically impossible, the Sugar Daddy was abandoned and the men were laid off. One of his architects may or may not have turned to selling intelligence for injectable income.

Fort Frolic Slot Machines Machine

Super Small Craw Daddy
These little critters got their start as a pervasive, run-of-the-mill STD, native to the deep-sea home of Rapture. Their existence was known to the city's inhabitants for some time. The brightest and most learned doctors in the world classified them as Pubis Crawdaddus Vulgaris, but that was all they did and a cure was considered unimaginable. Dirty fisherman and all-around no-goodnick, Peach Wilkins was believed to be the first to contract this disease. This was corroborated with one of his daily ‘Dear audio diary' entries.

How he contracted it was not certain and not a topic anyone wanted to explore further.

It wasn't long before these vermin found their way to Rapture's premiere pole dancer, Jasmine Jolie, and then onto the moustache of Andrew Ryan. Colonizing both facial hair and pubic undergrowth, the Crawdads came into contact with plasmid residue. This exposure imbued the Crawdads with a variety of powers. They began to exploit the natural resources around them, like makeup glitter and aftershave, extracting alloys to craft weapons, armor, and anything else they could ever need. However, the Crawdads weren't the only forms of life to be transformed. Their main aggressors were Splicer Sperm. Splicer Sperm also adapted and used the Date Rape plasmid (known as Electro Bolt to us humans) to stun the Crawdads and then attempted to enter them, thinking they might be eggs.

As the world of Rapture collapsed, a separate, microscopic dystopia existed just underneath everyone's noses… and genitals. The citizens of Rapture began to don masks, much like syphilis wigs, to cover up their shame and the pinch welts that covered their faces.

Note to the player: Don't be fooled, these guys can pinch something fierce. Avoid public bathrooms and whatever you do, don't touch a single toilet handle. That's where large concentrations of them frequent. The best defense against them is to stand underneath some water. Add the new Mr. Scrubbing Bubbles plasmid to said water. Work into a lather. Keep on body for 1 minute. Rinse off. Repeat until skin turns red.

Big Bad Foster Parents
Pretty self-explanatory. The parents force the kids to oil their guns, wash the hog, tape episodes of Texas Justice, pick up used syringes off the floors of metro stations, and alert the family to hide whenever a Jehovah's Witness approaches the house. Foster Mom is armed, quite literally with an industrial strength eggbeater, which she uses to stir government pancake mix to feed 30.

Big Brother Who Smokes Weed
Forgot to pick up your Little Sister from the vent and take her to suck liquid out of waterlogged corpses? Just tell her you were getting high and syncing up Anna Culpepper's new album to play perfectly with seahorse mating rituals . . . She'll understand.


When he wasn't gambling away all of his ADAM and trying in vain to get a splicer striptease, he would collect Little Sisters for the sole purpose of trying to get them to sit on his lap. The programmers toiled day and night to try and omit the creepy gene from his code, but to no avail. Even after being forced to register as a sex offender he did not abstain. Left with no other options, the team put him down. None of the other NPCs attended his watery funeral.

Big Kitty
Step Daddy
Big Decapitated Head
Sugar Daddy
Aside from being some delicious in-game advertising, the Sugar Daddy was envisioned to be a kickass addition to Rapture's ecology. Inspired by a segment on spiders in Planet Earth, he shat caramel to use as adhesive traps for his enemies. His drill served as both a weapon and a stirring mechanism for his caramel. Needless to say, his gooey composition made him quite popular with the Little Sisters. Too popular. Numerous dynamic battles between them ensued. Little Sisters began resorting to sucking excess sugar out of his fecal matter with their syringes.

You'll note that he's posing in this picture. This is a common behavior for the Sugar Daddy to exhibit. After the shutter opens, the emulsion is exposed, and the camera calculates the composition of the photo and grades it on a letter scale, the Sugar Daddy will hurl his caramel shit at the lens of the camera and proceed to butter the player's bread as it were.

The team hired 3 new programmers whose sole job was to work on lifelike caramel viscosity. Due to the recession and the realization that such a pursuit was technically impossible, the Sugar Daddy was abandoned and the men were laid off. One of his architects may or may not have turned to selling intelligence for injectable income.

Fort Frolic Slot Machines Machine

Super Small Craw Daddy
These little critters got their start as a pervasive, run-of-the-mill STD, native to the deep-sea home of Rapture. Their existence was known to the city's inhabitants for some time. The brightest and most learned doctors in the world classified them as Pubis Crawdaddus Vulgaris, but that was all they did and a cure was considered unimaginable. Dirty fisherman and all-around no-goodnick, Peach Wilkins was believed to be the first to contract this disease. This was corroborated with one of his daily ‘Dear audio diary' entries.

How he contracted it was not certain and not a topic anyone wanted to explore further.

It wasn't long before these vermin found their way to Rapture's premiere pole dancer, Jasmine Jolie, and then onto the moustache of Andrew Ryan. Colonizing both facial hair and pubic undergrowth, the Crawdads came into contact with plasmid residue. This exposure imbued the Crawdads with a variety of powers. They began to exploit the natural resources around them, like makeup glitter and aftershave, extracting alloys to craft weapons, armor, and anything else they could ever need. However, the Crawdads weren't the only forms of life to be transformed. Their main aggressors were Splicer Sperm. Splicer Sperm also adapted and used the Date Rape plasmid (known as Electro Bolt to us humans) to stun the Crawdads and then attempted to enter them, thinking they might be eggs.

As the world of Rapture collapsed, a separate, microscopic dystopia existed just underneath everyone's noses… and genitals. The citizens of Rapture began to don masks, much like syphilis wigs, to cover up their shame and the pinch welts that covered their faces.

Note to the player: Don't be fooled, these guys can pinch something fierce. Avoid public bathrooms and whatever you do, don't touch a single toilet handle. That's where large concentrations of them frequent. The best defense against them is to stand underneath some water. Add the new Mr. Scrubbing Bubbles plasmid to said water. Work into a lather. Keep on body for 1 minute. Rinse off. Repeat until skin turns red.

Big Bad Foster Parents
Pretty self-explanatory. The parents force the kids to oil their guns, wash the hog, tape episodes of Texas Justice, pick up used syringes off the floors of metro stations, and alert the family to hide whenever a Jehovah's Witness approaches the house. Foster Mom is armed, quite literally with an industrial strength eggbeater, which she uses to stir government pancake mix to feed 30.

Big Brother Who Smokes Weed
Forgot to pick up your Little Sister from the vent and take her to suck liquid out of waterlogged corpses? Just tell her you were getting high and syncing up Anna Culpepper's new album to play perfectly with seahorse mating rituals . . . She'll understand.

Big Drill
This mean motherfucker is just all sorts of fuck you up

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